


Prague was always among the cities that I wanted to see, and I believe that if you want something with a sincere and open heart, life makes it possible for you, like it did again.

My lovely sister took me to Havaş in a cold and dark Ankara morning, when my Bohemia film started. There were no problems at the flight from Ankara to İstanbul; however, since my flight from İstanbul to Warsow retarded, I was running at the Warsaw Airport in panic to catch my Prague flight! Finally, I fixed all the problems and got on the plane. The cute, gay host of the Chezch Airlines served me three glasses of wine and made me relaxed before my plane land to Prague Aiport.

After hours of flights as well as the bus and metro trips from airport to city, I finally was in my hotel room at the Vinohrady region of the Prague-2 district in Prague. After a short rest, I started to walk on the beautiful streets of the city. Although I was planning to see New Town which is close to my hotel, I found myself at the Old Town which includes amazing old buildings and squares. Especially the Tyn Church, Prašná brána (Barut Kapısı), Old Town Hall and the Astronomy Clock on it were fascinating! The famous Charles Bridge was also as great as I expected. When I was on the bridge, I left a little piece of stone in the river from the bridge, as my ex-lover wanted me to do so. When I arrived at the other gate of the bridge, I again reached forth my hand to get back my stone but I realized that moment that it already went down. At that time, after months, I finally accepted that we already went down till the end…

After I spent many hours around, I wanted to do something different, as I always want when I am abroad, and went a gay club. There were just a lesbian girl and a gay couple when I arrived. Later, we made friends with one of the gay guys and really had fun! He was dancing so great that no woman can do it like that! When night beginned, the place got a bit more crowded but it wasn’t as funny as I expected. Since I was also anxious about getting lost on the streets at night, I left the club and arrived easily to my hotel.


During my visit to Paris, I always felt myself “out” there as if I was the black sheep! However, some cities are so “warm” and peaceful that you feel yourself like you always lived there! Prague was exactly one of that kind of cities! I think that’s because of the clean, narrow streets, short and beautiful buildings as well as the kind, modest, helpful and happy-seeming people of Prague. The locals are also extremely respectful for the others. Drivers always wait for the pedestrians, nobody try to have a seat at the trams, they don’t stare at you even if you are “making out” at the train, and the like…

I realised by watching them that loving your country and nation is exactly what they do! They are full of love and respect for their country and for the others living there. When we look at the Turkey case, the ones who “really love” their nation and country are -lets say- fascists! Surprisingly, they are the ones who always have a tendency to have a fight with their citizens, and doing the worse things such as spitting to the ground, throwing the garbages everywhere and the like…

On the other hand, Prague people and we are similar in some aspects. It seems that they are keen on their families, they like having children and being engaged with them, they always eat something even if they are walking :) and they smoke too much! But there is a huge difference: Prague women are extremely beautiful! :)

What is also different that they really love pets! Many people have dogs and they go everywhere with them! You can see people in trains, at cafes, on the streets, let’s say everywhere, with their dogs and the most pleasing thing is no one seeing them doing so complains about it!

Now, let’s go back to the memories of the second day which I went to the New Town. New Town was a bit complicated for me and I was not so successful to find the places that I was looking for. After a tour at Karlovo Square, I was standing on one street and looking at my map to find St.Kyrillos and St.Methodios Church. Two guys came to me and asked whether I need help. After that, I accepted their offer about taking me that church. We had good conversation, made friends and gave our numbers with Vojta to meet next day.

Later, I took photos of the wall of that church. Bullet marks of the Nazis were still on the wall, which was so hard to see for me! :( Following my short visit there, I started to look for the Faust House. It was written on my guide book that the house belonged to some interesting people for ages, who are interested in magic and alchemy. This characteristic of the house made me excited and maybe that’s why I spent too much time to find it! When I gave up doing so, I interestingly found it! Another interesting thing was, I realized that I saw it many times and did not realize! Maybe the house was really magical and was there to teach me that sometimes you already have what you are trying to find or sometimes the things they are looking for are just in front of you! What do you think? Isn’t it magic?

After this experience, I went to the Botanic Garden to have some rest and see beautiful plants. When I again felt good, I again started to see some other places and finally went the U Kalicha restaurant. It was written on the guide book that service personnel wear clothes belonging to World War-2 years. However, I couldn’t meet someone who was doing so. Moreover, they were so cold that I wanted to drink my beer as soon as possible! Whatever…

In the evening, I wanted to have some rest in my room and go out for fun but slept in early! :)

Since I really like walking around and seeing every single part of the city, I am generally a bit reluctant to use public transportation. On the other hand, if you have limited time and lots of things to do, it gets useful!

After a modest but delicious breakfast in my hotel (Hotel Abri) I went to the metro station as I frequently did. Metro network in Prague is not so complicated but it really helps you go wherever you want. However, the moving stairways at the stations are extremely perpendicular that one can easily have a height phobia! :) They were really scary for me until I got used to them. I couldn’t even look behind as I was going up! :)

I went to Jewish district to see some tabernacles and also Jewish graveyard. However, when I reached there, I felt reluctant to go those places since I knew that they could make me feel too much depressed. That’s why I went to Museum of Decorative Arts as well as the concert hall Rudolfinum which was very close to the tram station that I met Vojta.

Vojta and I went to a different district of the city where Prag Castle and Hradcany located. We walked throughout a silent and green park which served us a wonderfull panaromic view of the city. We also saw lots of incredible places in that region, best of which was St. Vitus Cathedral! It was one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen!

Meantime, my guide book was frequently telling stories about Jan Hus, an important Chezch character who fighted against the procedures and dogmas of Catholic Church. I don’t know why but I always felt that he was a senior freemason. Interestingly and confirming my guess, I learned that St. Vitus Cathedral was constructed by a freemason architect by order of Jan Hus!

This was not the only freemasonry related thing in Prague, there were many. As an another example, there is a Philosophy Room in the Strakov Monastery which includes a wall painting called “The Challenge Of The Person Who Really Wants To Learn The Real History”. Isn’t it interesting? And surprisingly it was the same in Warsaw!.

Whatever… Let’s leave all these things to the freemasons. Anyhow as a poor woman, I don’t have the qualities to learn something about these! :D

Leaving St.Vitus Cathedral behind us, we went to Small Town district. After walking on the streets for a while we went a café-bar to eat and drink something. Chatting with Vojta was always great! He was so kind and friendly that I am really happy to know him!

Following all these, we met three friends of Vojta. We ate and drank something, we talked about some political and historical issues and had fun. We had great time with Vojta.


Next morning I visited the New Town District again. The most pleasurable moments of all my trips around the center were drinking so delicious hot wine as I was walking! In the afternoon, I met Vojta again and we went many beautiful places. To have some rest, we went a café and ate – drank something there. Actually, Chezch beer was not as great as I expected. The Witte Ros beer of Amsterdam is still the number one beer of the world to me!

After that, we went Vojta's flat and changed our outfits to go to skating which was an offer from him! :D We went an amazing park and skated for about 40 kilometers there! I now remember that, while skating I was thinking that it is a crazy thing! My inner voice was saying: “Are you crazy? You are abroad for just a few days and you are skating! How foolish!” But it was really great! What was surprising for me that, there were cute cafes all around the park, selling beer and snacks! People were so sportive and so “alcoholic” :D Of course we had many rests and drank lots of beer there! :) It was a very nice day, thank you my lovely Vojta!

We than went back to the city center; ate and drank something there. Finally and so hardly, we said goodbye to each other. (The pleasing thing is we are still in touch and we both hope that it lasts!) Maybe one day we can meet again, who knows? We both know that “everywhere is příští”, isn’t it? :D :D :D :D :D And we also know that “příští stanice Karlovo náměstí” :)))

I was planning to go to a strip club that night but the town did not seem so safe at night, as Vojta warned me. That’s why, I went back to my hotel after being lost for more than 1 hour :D While I was trying to find my way, I met with two Dutch guys who were lost too! :D We tried to find our ways on a map all together until I was succeed on it!


Last day in Prague, after the breakfast, I went to the airport to fly to Warsaw and slept during the flight.

The city has an interesting and extremely sad history. During the WW-2, Nazis destroyed many parts of the city, including very old and historical buildings, as well as the cultural heritage located there. They also killed thousands of people as we all know. What is interesting and admiring is that, Warsaw people rebuilt and reconstructed the city so successfully that, no one can easily understand which building is really old and which is reconstructered. The city is known as “Phoenix”, which points that it is reborn from its ashes! It is a fascinating story.

After a short rest at the hotel, I went outside to see the Old Town. Since the Easter is coming, there were many Christian people who were singing religious songs, praying, shaking hands each other in most churches. As a person who always interested in religious rituals and churches, it meant so much for me. I was in a church to watch the ritual and it was so touching. When they shaked even my hands, I was about to cry. I believe that there is a god and he doesn’t discriminate us.

Warsaw people were also kind and respectful for others but Prague people were the best! Although they are so beautiful, all Europe cities get similar when you see some. What always make you excited and happy is just getting the chance to know new people. And what you always feel is a strong sense of yen for your loved ones, who you left behind.

Sometimes you get bored or get tired in a city. However, when you arrive a new one, you start from beginning! You feel so curious and energetic!

If I turn back again the Warsaw memories, I can say that it was more beautiful than I expected. What I expected was seeing a “cold”, crowded, noisy, dark and “tasteless” city but it did not take too much to realize I was wrong.

Training in Warsaw was not so enjoyable and useful for me. I just tried to spend my time so effective. I went every part of the city. As always, the Old Town was one of the best parts of the city. Novy Sviat Street was also very colorful and exciting. Palace of Culture and Science and the fascinating panaromic city view from its terrace at the 30th floor were great!

The most interesting thing I did in Warsaw was going to an erotic shop :D While I was trying to reach the Palace of Culture and Science, I realized that there was an erotic shop just in front of me. I entered the shop with no hesitation and felt so confident while I was looking at the products. There were few customers and it was really funny to browse through interesting products without shame! :D 

The funniest part of the visit to Warsaw was that the home owner company served us pork for the lunch. What is interesting is that there were many Muslims and two vegetarians in the group! :D Muslim participants ate the pork accidentally! :D A woman from Türkmenistan was so sad about it and explained the situation by saying: “Birmeden yidik. Zormadılar, virdiler bıze, bız da yidik. Yirince anlayık, tumus eti imuş!” :D :D :D

Since yes means “tag” in Polish, it was also funny to hear people saying “tagtagtag” (yesyesyes)! :D

The most touching part of the trip was listening the story of Chopin, the famous Polish musician. During the WW-2, when Russian enemies were in Poland, he had left his country by saying: “I don’t want to play for my enemy!”. However, he bequeathed
from his friends to bury his heart in Warsaw, after he had died. His heart rests in a church in Warsaw now.

It is really unexceptable to kill all the children, women, men, the old, the young….! To destroy all the city! I can't bear it! :((( Inhuman Hitler!

Unfortunately, the most annoying part of my visit to Warsaw was facing with stupid behaviors of the awful Turkish men everywhere! You can even see their writings on the walls of the restaurant that you went! They just talks about women (in an awful way), cars, money and football! Poor Turkish men!

After all these days in both Prague and Warsaw, I am sooo happy that I will be hugging my loved ones! I really, extremely missed all of them.

I hope my next report will be on the visit to the Eastern parts of the world.

Ahoj! :)

Warsaw – April 2011

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